We have over 50,000 thoughts per day and most of them are negative.
Negativity chips away at our soul and diminishes our joy in life!
This week become aware of the nature of your thoughts.
Every time it’s negative- just notice. Notice the repetition.
Once you become more aware of your negativity - you can have the ability to shift it. Don’t be angry with yourself- congratulate yourself on being more conscious!
 Then…. Try to change the thought to something more helpful and positive.  
YOU have the power over what you think about, and what you think about…. you bring about!!!

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

Why are we rushing through our lives? We are so busy racing through the minutes, hours, days, years- where are we racing to?
We hurry so fast to get wherever we are going that we don’t even take the time to enjoy it when we arrive.
This takes its toll on our minds, and strains and stresses our bodies as we go from one thing to the next.
This week- consciously slow EVERYTHING down. Slow down your movements, your speech, your eating, your showering… everything.
It won’t be easy because you've been doing this for a long time- but, just become aware. Then you can choose to slow it all down and enjoy the moments of your life!!!!!!
Have a great S…L…O…W… week!!! 

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click here.

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

We are all inundated with emails that fill up our inbox, and I want to take this time to thank those of you that read, support, and tell me how much you enjoy my Motivational Mondays. 

My mission is to share a bit of wisdom and a tool or a practice that you can use in your life to make it happier and more peaceful.

Life as we know is SOOOOO VERRRRY fragile and not a guarantee. It is so important to STOP and genuinely look at what IS working in your life vs. what may not be exactly the way you want it to be.

So right now- close your eyes (if possible) and think about what IS working...maybe that your body is functioning, you have a home, you have a plan with a friend, or you will have a yummy dinner.  Whatever it is, as you go through your day, focus your thoughts on what IS going right.  Notice how you feel!!!!!

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click here.

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

We all have triggers that can keep us from being our best selves. It may be too much food, drink, worry, or possibly a combination of things.
Often times these triggers are due to longtime habits.  STOP and ask yourself- “Which habit of mine is not serving me?”
You DO have the power to change that habit. Be honest with yourself - awareness is the first step towards change.  Once you have identified that habit, decide how you can modify it.
It may be to have healthier food options in your kitchen, make drinking alcohol a choice (not a habit), or create a mantra of “Is this scary thought really true?”
The key is to get out of auto-pilot and make more conscious decisions.
This week, identify your self-limiting habit and then practice replacing it with a healthier, more positive choice!!!!!!
To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

As we age, it is so important to accept and adjust our mindset to the changes that occur in our bodies and minds.
When we fight nature or fight anything, we are creating dis-ease in our bodies. It’s almost palpable. Our bodies are very sensitive to our thoughts.
Can you recall a time when you were upset about your declining eyesight, the more time you needed to get up from the chair, or perhaps your slower mile run time?
The next time you do that… be kind, pause, and feel the gratitude in being alive. Appreciate your body as it is!

 To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

I was sitting and looking at the beautiful water the other day. A boat was gently gliding through the peaceful bay, and what caught my eye was the ripples that were created by the boat.
I began to think about how every action causes a reaction in life- just as the boat caused the ripples. I know it’s a very obvious thing- but so often we are on auto pilot not even considering the effects of our actions.
What I love about meditation is that it has led me to be more mindful of how my actions will affect the other person or the situation I am in.
This week …..STOP and think before you go on auto pilot. Give yourself a minute to choose how you want to respond! 
To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

"Neurons that fire together, wire together." Neuropsychologist Donald Hebb used this phrase in 1949 to describe how pathways in the brain are formed and reinforced through repetition. The more the brain does a certain task, the stronger that neural network becomes, making the process more efficient each time thereafter.

We used to think that you can't teach an old dog new tricks - NOT TRUE! The research on neural plasticity is exciting, because it shows that creating new behaviors is possible through all stages of life by rewiring the brain. You literally craft your own mind by choosing what you pay attention to.

Wow! What a gift? Just as we can become frustrated with ourselves for repeating unhelpful habits, we can free ourselves of those repetitions and practice new ones. How many times have we talked negatively to ourselves for overeating or not exercising? The key is to begin the new behavior, repeat it many times, and associate it with as many positive thoughts, sensory experiences, and visualizations as possible. Then it can become a new pathway of action.... A habit!

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click here.

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

Research done by Blue Zones (an organization that explores other regions of the world with reportedly high longevity) shows that gardening boosts mood as much as exercise!
Whether people garden alone or with others makes no difference. The people who kept vegetable gardens reported a higher level of joy than those who kept floral gardens.
The high levels of meaningfulness that people shared while gardening may be associated with producing their own food.
I love this and get it! I don't recommend giving up your exercise, but....if it’s pots with tomatoes or basil in your kitchen, why not give it a try? I am!!!
P.S. I met this lovely Rabbi (Paul Plotkin) on a plane last year; I really enjoyed his book "Wisdom Grows in My Garden." It may inspire you to grow your own garden!

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

One way to experience a greater sense of happiness and inner peace is by managing your expectations.
I recently read a research article about the emotional reactions of silver and bronze medalists at the 1992 Summer Olympics.
According to their findings, despite finishing behind the silver medalists, the bronze medalists appear to be happier!
How can that be? The authors state that the level of expectation makes all the difference — silver medalists are more likely to have the expectation of winning the gold, whereas bronze medalists are more likely to consider the possibility of finishing fourth and winning nothing.
The bottom line.... the happiness we derive from any outcome depends on the difference between the actual and expected outcomes. If we achieve more than we expected, we find happiness; if we achieve less than our expectation, we become disappointed.
We definitely don't want to expect so little that we lose our motivation. Our journey is to find the right balance of expectations!
This week, become aware of any expectations you may have.
Then notice how the situation actually turned out- this is where the learning comes in. If you find yourself consistently disappointed, check your level of expectations; you may want to consider lowering the bar a bit.

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

Happy Monday! Today I am sharing another favorite poem of mine. I hope you enjoy it and are inspired by it!!!
Peace  by Dorothy Hunt

Do you think peace requires an end to war?
Or tigers eating only vegetables?
Does peace require an absence from
your boss, your spouse, yourself? …
Do you think peace will come some other place than here?
Some other time than Now?
In some other heart than yours? 

Peace is this moment without judgment.
That is all. This moment in the Heart-space
where everything that is is welcome.
Peace is this moment without thinking
that it should be some other way,
that you should feel some other thing,
that your life should unfold according to your plans. 

Peace is this moment without judgment,
this moment in the heart-space where
everything that is is welcome.

Have a peaceful week!!!!!

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

A dear friend of mine recently shared this with me…. “Say what you mean, mean what you say and don’t say it mean.”

I love that. Simply, it’s effective, clear, honest and kind communication. 
Most people shy away from conflict and prefer not to address difficult conversations. Many people never learn how to appropriately say what they mean and mean what they say. We are taught many different things at home and in school, but clear effective communication isn’t usually one of them. 

When you want to address a difficult conversation – first get clear on your intention. What do you hope to accomplish as an outcome? Do you want the person to be more aware? Do you hope they will change their behavior? Or do you just want the other person to know something – without having any expectation at all?

Remember, you are not responsible for how another person reacts. But be responsible in your delivery by being honest and considerate at the same time. 

The more you practice this, the better you get at having difficult conversations and saying what you mean and meaning what you say. It’s possible that others around you will follow suit.

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson

This is the time of the year that many of us feel a few extra pounds from the holiday celebrations. One helpful and healthy strategy is to eat more mindfully. 

Rather than (and I do this too) just mindlessly putting the fork in your mouth, 



look at your food .... 

and even experience some gratitude before eating it. 

This week, be more conscious of what you are eating before you do. You’ll probably eat a little less and appreciate your food a little more! 

To learn more about the ingredients for happiness, you can purchase my book: The Recipe for Real Happiness, on Amazon!!! Click 

Sending you so much love!

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Melissa Garson